The OG Ruckus Caesar

What you’ll need:

  • Clamato Juice

  • Vodka

  • S & P

  • Worcestershire Sauce

  • OG Ruckus Sauce

Pretty easy really!

  1. Drop a couple ice cubes in your glass (tall glass preferably)

  2. Add 2 or 3 or 5 ounces of your favourite Vodka. I like to be hipster about it and grab something from a local distillery, but Tito’s is fine. Don’t waste your money on Smirnoff.

  3. Couple pumps of Worcestershire Sauce

  4. Salt and Pepper that mofo

  5. Put Some F***ing Ruckus on it! (about a shot glass full if you normally order it spicy)

  6. Fill to the top with your vodka

  7. Optional - Add some Extreme Beans or something if you like floaty things in your Caesar. Or maybe a pepperoni stick for some protein. Or bacon. mmm.

Boom! Enjoy!

- Alan Charlebois, Sauce Master, Ruckus Foods.


MAngo Habanero Buffalo Shrimp


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